Pain In My Cass Podcast
Welcome to Pain In My Cass, the no-BS podcast where life’s struggles meet unapologetic growth. Hosted by Cassandra Jean—aka the original "pain in the ass"—this show is your go-to guide for leveling up your mindset, wellness, and relationships, all while keeping it refreshingly real. Together, we’ll transform your pain into power and embrace the journey to becoming your best self.
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Pain In My Cass Podcast
Tanner Friesen & Brooklyn Browning on Building Community, Overcoming Divorce, and Creating Secret Disco Society
#14: Join us as we sit down with Tanner Friesen and Brooklyn Browning, the dynamic duo behind Secret Disco Society, a thriving community initiative in Austin, TX. After overcoming divorces at a young age, Tanner and Brooklyn turned their shared experiences into a mission to connect people and foster meaningful relationships through creativity and collaboration.
In this episode, Tanner, an engineer with boundless energy and a passion for innovation, shares how his work on projects like Sphere Club and Bones Customs fuels his entrepreneurial spirit. Meanwhile, Brooklyn, an accomplished fitness model and socialite, reveals how her fitness events bring people together and how her work as an apartment locator helps Austinites find their dream homes.
We explore their inspiring journey of resilience, the importance of community-building, and the unique spark behind Secret Disco Society. Whether you’re navigating personal challenges, seeking inspiration to pursue your passion, or just looking for insight into Austin’s vibrant culture, this episode is packed with motivation and heart.
You can follow Tanner Friesen:
Instagram: @friese_tag @secretdisco.society @bones.customs
You can follow Brooklyn Browning:
Instagram: @brooklynbfit
You can follow their fur babies:
Instagram: @dobie-stella
You can follow Pain In My Cass Podcast: @paininmycasspod
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I am so excited to have you guys here, Brooklyn Browning and Tanner Friesen. Not only are you guys like one of the most gorgeous couples, I think in Austin but you guys are connectors. I don't think the city's ever had anyone like the two of you just genuinely bringing people together. Um, you guys have your fingers in like a variety of different things from events to sporting activities to fashion. Um, so I'm so excited to have you both here. I wanna jump into like a little bit about. Both of you. So I don't know, Tanner, do you wanna kick it off and give a little bit of background about yourself? Sure. Thanks for having us too, bro. Right. This is, this is awesome. Instead of is cool. That's so cool. Cool. Appreciate, appreciate you having us. Uh, yeah, my quick background. Born and raised in North Dakota, one of the few who got away. I've been here for like four and a half years and I've met one person from North Dakota here. So not, not too many of us get out. All my friends are back there having babies, raising a family and all that kind of stuff. Uh, I went to college in South Dakota. Uh, moved nine times in three years, um, and fortunately ended up here. So I've been here for like four and a half years. I call Austin home now. Don't really wanna leave. Love it here. Built a really cool community in a bunch of different ways. So yeah, been around and, uh, happy to be here. That's for sure. Yeah. What is North Dakota like? Whew. It's, uh, I always say, I'm like, I'm really glad that I grew up there. Like it's a really cool place to call home and say like, that's where my roots are from. I grew up on a ranch. My dad's a cowboy and the only time I've seen my dad cry is when his horse died. You know, he's he's, he's, he is true, true North Dakota blood like that. Everybody knows everybody. There's no diversity. It's cold, it's quiet. Which, you know, growing up it's super safe. So, growing up it's awesome. Um, you don't know any different. I've definitely, uh, had a number of different experiences, you know, as I've moved so much and really actually been able to see, see the world for what it is, which is, which has been amazing and I've kind of been able to experience on my own versus, you know, through someone else's eyes. But yeah, glad, glad I can call it home. Uh, It's, it's small. It's cold. Just like everybody says when you leave like North and South Dakota, just the same thing. It's just the Dakotas, it's whatever those states are up there cuz nobody's, other than Mount Rushmore, I don't think anybody's ever been ever been to either. So I've seen a sliver of it. Yeah. Really it's just, Yeah. Have you gotten back, gone with him? Not, he won't take me. Oh, okay. But I don't think that it's like a me thing. It's a North Dakota thing. Yeah. I don't really have a desire to go back, like, yeah, I don't really stay in touch with anybody anymore. My parents do live there, but my brother worked for Delta, so my parents can fly for free. So it's, do I pay to fly to North Dakota or, or they come to us for free they come here for free. Right. Especially like, I'm always working, so, I mean, for me it's always on. It's a lot harder for me to get away for three, four days versus, you know, they've had the same job for years where it's super easy and exciting. It's like a vacation for them every time they come. So yeah, the Fairmont right down the street, that's their spot. That's like my mom's, she might as well rent a place there. She's, she's there not really like, have a permanent residency there. Yeah. She just, uh, she has called me. She's like, I need you to put this date on the cal. I was like, all right, when she's like, July 29th, we're coming for our 40th anniversary and we wanna spend it in Austin. And I was like, I was like, one, congratulations. Two. That's really cool. I was like three, like fortunately, like I wasn't at the wedding, so why do you wanna celebrate with me? I wasn't even there yet. Like, shouldn't like you and dad like take that time? And they're like, no, we wanna be with our family. So that's, that date's on the counter end of July. They're, they already booked the Fairmont, they're they're getting uh, dinner with Jacob on earth comparison, screw Disneyland, and, and all that. So, yeah. Um, I think I've only been back, so I graduated college 12 years ago and I think I've only been back twice. Wow. Once was, cuz I was moving from Toronto to Idaho, so I was just driving through, the other time was for like an alumni baseball game and so I snuck up when I was in Denver. It was like a, a long drive, but I wanted to go check it out for a weekend. So I snuck up there. That's the only two times I've been home since, since I finished college. Yeah, you're really not selling like North Dakota to me. Like, I don't really know if I wanna go visit. I mean, there's, there's I'm talking, I know there's, there really isn't. There's like, as far as like, so North Dakota's the least tourist state they have uh, it's called like the 50 club cuz it's the 50th state most people visit. So it's, I was like the last hop, uh, south Dakota's awesome. So I went to college in Rapid City, which is where Mount Rushmore is Black Hills. It's like one of the most beautiful landscapes ever, but it's just kinda like this little hidden gem southwest corner of, of South Dakota that's, you know, dropped dead gorgeous. But just nobody knows about it cuz it's so far outta the way, your only options is to fly into some, you know, small airport in the middle of nowhere. So it's, it's, it's unique. Yeah. I don't, I don't need to sell anybody. It's, it's a nice little kept secret. Yeah. How long have you been in Austin? Four and a half years. Four and a half years. Yeah. Yeah. I moved here from Denver. I was in Denver for four years, then I moved down here. Uh, been here for four and a half. Yeah. So This's the longest place I've been. Wow. That's amazing. What about you, Brooklyn? I have been here for three and a half years now. I moved here May, 2019. Okay. Yeah. I came straight from Idaho. I'm from Boise, Idaho. Um, it is a great spot to live. It's a beautiful spot to visit. I love Idaho. Um, lots of mountains, gorgeous. Definitely would go back but would not live there ever again. Um, just not a whole lot I feel like for young entrepreneurial people. I guess I don't see a future there at all. Kind of why I got out. Um, yeah, I, uh, I was born in Missoula, Montana, and then I moved Boise, Idaho. And then, um, I went to school there. Went to, uh, Idaho State University in Pocatello, um, transferred to Boise State. And then I moved here about three years later and I call Austin home now. I mean, I love this place and I. Literally my entire family here, honestly, uh, we have the coolest people here. Everybody is, so, I don't know, everybody just really uplifts you here in Austin. I feel like, like everybody's young, entrepreneurial, we're all here, honestly, to find a better version of ourselves, and I feel like that's kind of what I, you know, what I did and kind of what we have landed ourselves into. Um, but yeah, I love Austin. Yeah. And then how long have you guys been together? Three years. Three years? Almost four. Yeah. Wow. Three and a half. Yeah. Yeah. And then we were talking about this the other day, but how did you guys meet? We met, we met at a workout class. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So our buddies, uh, CJ and Izzy we're doing a workout class at, uh, south Congress. And so there, there was a room in the back and they had a couple partners and they wanted to do a, like a workout, just show the space and stuff like that. And so we hot boxed like 60 people in there. Like the floor was completely trenched. Like you couldn't walk on that floor, not like step in sweat or like a slip and slide And it was great. We didn't meet there. Uh, we were in the same class. You show up late, I think. Fashion. Fashion. No, I showed up on time just like the last person Yeah. She got, she got the last spot. Um, she she didn't actually meet me at the workout class. I had to take a picture of her and some of my friends. Wait, what? I was the guy behind the camera. I was the one that she asked to hold the phone so she could take a picture with, yeah. I don't remember this. I don't remember this, but apparently he was the one that took the photo. But, uh, a bunch of us, like a dozen of us went out to brunch afterwards and then we ended up sitting right across from each other. So that's, that's how we actually met and like started, started talking. Was the rest like history after that? Pretty fast. Like super fast. Yeah, very fast. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. You were supposed to go to work that afternoon. Yeah, it's kind of a crazy story. So I actually, um, I was working this, you know, I had just moved here. It was probably, see we met in like end of July, end of July. I moved here in May. I didn't really have any friends. Um, I was working this job just to kind of get me by until I got into what I wanted to get into. Um, I was like bartending and. And so, um, I knew it wasn't my job, you know, that I wanted to be in, that I was gonna stay in. And so it didn't really have much value to me. And so I was supposed to go into work that afternoon. I met Tanner and all these awesome cool people, and I was like, okay, they're all going out to get lunch and they're going to Barton Springs and they're gonna go out, do all these fun things. This is my first time meeting people, um, in Austin. Um, am I gonna just quit my job just on the spot, which I do not recommend doing. You know, it's not a good, not a good look. Don't do that. But, It was life-changing. And so I called my boss and I was like, Hey, I'm not coming into work today. Basically I quit and I didn't go into work. And then I was able to go to Barton Springs and that's really where we hit it off was at Barton Springs. Um, but gotta go there and met him and all these amazing, fun people. And so that's what changed my life here. Honestly. If I never would've just said, you know, F it, quit my job, go hang out with these people, I literally would've never, we probably wouldn't be together at all right now. And I wouldn't be friends with any of the people I'm friends with now. Isn't that cr I feel like an innocent. Yeah, it was. You change your whole life. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that one decision I was like, and it's not me. Like, I've always kind of been like a goody good with that kind of stuff. Like, you know, like straight A's, like be like top of my class. I do really well with my job. Like successful? Yes. And like shy to call in sick and stuff, you know, if I'm like dying. But I was just like, you know what? the universe is telling me that I have to do this and I don't know anybody here. So Yeah. I'm lonely. So I just, yeah. Cause it didn't, it's not like we even like begged you or like, you gotta come with us. No. Yeah. We were just like, this is what we're, I don't even know if like we invited you just told you what we were doing. You know, they were like, we're, we're gonna go here next, like, do you wanna come and stuff? And I was like, I have work. I literally went home and I was like, I'm not getting ready for work. I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go back and meet them. So I like put my swimsuit on, like, you know, made sure to wear an extra cute one. and And then when I met them. But yeah, we didn't, we didn't even know you were coming like all our, I just showed up. Yeah. I don't even know if any of us said your number and all of sudden we were just sitting down at the bottom and Brooklyn came outta nowhere and we're like, Hey, you're supposed to be working Yeah. Yeah. That's amazing though. Mm-hmm. sometimes intuition, like it was, yeah, a hundred percent. Yeah. Yeah. And then you guys both I think have been married. Before. Yep. Yes. Do you wanna jump in? Do you wanna jump into your relationship prior? Yeah, yeah, I got it. Do you wanna jump into Brooklyns? Yeah. I got married right outta college, so super young, super naive. Um, had started dating someone in my last year of college. I knew with my new job I was gonna move around a lot. and didn't really take it that serious. Didn't really even think of anything. And then I had a conversation with my parents, like right before I graduated, and they're like, well, what are you guys gonna do? I was like, I'm sure she'll just come with me. And they like, put this weird pressure on me like, you're not moving with your girlfriend. You know, I grew up in like a very religious, like, conservative, you know, family. And so they kind of put that pressure on me. They're like, no, you can't move with your girlfriend. And I didn't like, I look up to my parents like big time, like my parents are like my idols, you know? I do anything I can to be like my dad. That's like someone, someone I look up to more than anybody. More than I ever will. And so like the last thing I ever want to do is like disappoint'em, right? And so, I, I had like super candid, I was just like, talked to the girl and like, she was awesome. And I was like, so this is kind of how I feel. Like, should we get married or should we just like split up And of course, like we are young, we're, I know we're young. How old is this? I was 21. Okay. Yeah. So 22. Yeah. So like, we were young, we were in love. We're like, let's try it. Like let's do it. Like, we were excited, we didn't know anything better. Yeah. And so did it. She had never been away from home, so she was like, born and raised in Denver, had never moved before. Um, my first assignment, I was there for two weeks and then it was, Hey, you have your passport, right? I was like, yeah. Like, all right, you're going to Toronto when? In two weeks. So it's like the first time she had uprooted and left her family. We at this new spot, two weeks later, it's like, oh, by the way, we're going to a different country. Like, you're not gonna have a phone like his, because back then, like Verizon didn't have international plans or anything like that. This was, you know, 12 years ago. And so, It was, it was hard from like, from the get-go. So it was, we were married for six years, we were married for a while. Um, just kind of gutting it out, trying to, trying to make it work. Um, it's, it's amazing to see that, like if you made a list of like all these things that, like, you really, you really need that have to be perfect. Like, we lined up on almost all of them and it, it still wasn't, wasn't good enough just cuz you lose your individuality, you forget like who you are. You become dependent on someone. And firsthand I saw how dangerous that was. Yeah. Um, but yeah, so after moving seven times in the first two years, I was like, all right, this is fair Like, I get it. Like, this is too much, this is not cool. Um, got a new job, moved back to Denver with her, and was supposed to stay there and then got an opportunity to come down here for work. And I was like, the hardest thing was like, oh no, I have to have this conversation because like the, the opportunity was amazing for me. Like it's what I wanted to do, but. what came with it was exactly what I didn't want to do. And so the plan was for her to like kind of bounce back and forth. Um, I moved down here and I was supposed to move down here for like two weeks, go back and get her. And that two weeks, like we never talked. Oh no. It was always like, Hey, sorry, I'm busy or I'm doing this. And like I, I was still kind of naive cuz I just figured like it was gonna work. And then when I went back I was like, oh wait, like this isn't, like, you're not coming, are you, you know, had like a super serious conversation and it was just made a very mature decision. It's better for her to stay up there, it's better for me to come here. But I started from scratch. I only knew two people in Austin. Wow. So it's kind of funny, like the reason you were like talking to me is like about all these communities and stuff we built. For six years, I moved around and had one friend, you know, moved around all these places and completely lost who I was. Cuz anybody who knew knew me in college. I knew every single person on campus, you know, in high school I knew every single person. Not in my high school, but like in every high school around us, you know, that was, that was who I am. And so I kind of, you know, never once pointed a finger at anybody else, like, you know, going through a divorce or anything. I just looked myself in the mirror and said, doesn't matter who did what? Like, how can I get better? Like, how am I different? What can I change? Like who, who am I, I think the, um, the conversation that like changed everything for me is one of the two people I knew when I moved down here. Um, she was, she had been married to one of my college basketball teammates and so she, she had been through it. She was, you know, a year or two ahead of me. She knew exactly what I was going through. We have like super similar personality, super similar work ethic, and she, she sat me down one time and she is like, what do you want to do tomorrow? And the second, like, I paused, she's like, I thought so. I knew it. I was like, what do you mean? She's like, you don't know what you wanna do tomorrow. Like, you don't know what makes you happy. She's like, you've completely lost yourself. And it like, I was like, oh, wow. I didn't even like thought of that. So she's like, sit down, come up with a bunch of stuff that'll make you happy and just go do it and start living your life that way. So the next day I packed up, jumped in my car, drove like two hours, went on a hike out in the middle of nowhere, all by myself, flew my drone around, and I was like, oh, that was, that was super fun. And guess what? I did it all by myself. Yeah. You know? And so that just changed my mentality from, from that day, um, to a fault. I've always been, you know, what do I wanna do today? What do I want to do today? And let that drive me always. So, yeah, it was. It was definitely an eye-opener for me. It was definitely hard starting, starting from scratch I guess you could call it. But really it was just me learning the hard way, you know who I am and remembering who I am and then now I just know like that's non-negotiable. That'll, that'll never change again. And so that's who I am now and makes it real easy to live my life. Yeah. At what age? Like cuz you got married at 21? Yeah, I was 22 so I moved here when I was 28. Okay. So when you were 28 and then after you got out of that relationship, did you like take a lot of time? Do you feel like to like focus on yourself? Like were you single for a little while? I didn't go on a date for a year. She's the first person I took to dinner. Yeah. I just, for me, and it wasn't even the fact that like I wasn't open to it at all. Like one I was finding myself, but I think for the most part I found myself pretty quick. I had a couple people that came through my life that were, you know, invaluable to that. That I don't think I would've changed if it wasn't for them. And the crazy thing is like none of them are even in my life anymore, is just like the right people at the right time. Mm-hmm. helping me, helping me learn those things. Um, but I knew how, how good it had to be to actually work. So, you know, I met a bunch of girls that I was like, you're awesome. You're a great person. This little thing, it's not gonna work. So like, let's not waste either of our times, like respectfully, like. It's not gonna work. And that's okay. Cuz guess what? We can be friends and that's gonna last forever. Versus, you know, someone, you try and try to force it and then all of a sudden doesn't work. There's these expectations and then you never talk again because there's so many cool people in Austin. Like, I couldn't imagine like, if I would've burned some of those bridges and not had some of the, some of the friends I had. So like, the cool thing with her is like, I wasn't looking like if, if anyone was sitting across for a whole brunch across from her, like they would just be drooling, like begging begging her back, begging her to come stop, come over and like come to Barn Springs, like come hang out. Like let's go on a date. All this kind of stuff. Sweet. We naturally were just able to talk, like, you know, she was like asking about my tattoos, asking just different, different questions, whereas super simple, like there's no pressure that makes it, makes it real easy. So yeah, I didn't, I didn't go on like a proper date, like I was on like Bumble or whatever the dating apps were. And it's just like you get to talk to people, you talk to'em for a few minutes and you'd be like, Nope. like, yeah, Like, not in a bad way, it's just like, right. Oh, that, that one's. That one, we're gonna fight for no reason. Right? Yeah. Like, what's the point, or, I'm gonna stretch you out. That's while we're ahead. Yeah, I'm, I'm gonna do what I'm doing anyway, and I know that's gonna stretch you out, so what's the point? So, yeah, it was, um, I don't know. It was, it was pretty natural for me. Yeah. Because I feel like you guys both, like, you know, were married and then went through divorces, right. At like a very young age, right? Because you're 33. Yeah, I'm 33. You're 33, you're 26, right? Mm-hmm. And then I feel like a lot of young people, when they get out of relationships, they like immediately like. right back into them. That was kind of me. I think, I think everyone handled it different differently, but I have like a lot of respect for the fact that you like, did take the year to like, kind of like, be like, okay, I gotta reassess. And then when it was put meant to happen mm-hmm. Brooklyn. It did, you know, and it worked out perfectly for you guys. Yeah. So, yeah, there's, there's definitely not a right way to handle it. I mean, there's, yeah, it's a hundred percent individual based, you know, a lot of people probably don't learn, you know, it's, it's real easy to cover it or hide the fact, or just flat out, like, as easy as it is to always point the finger at somebody else, like, what's that gonna get you? Mm-hmm. So the fact that, like, I took that mentality, it really helped me. She was very similar. So like when we started talking, like she was going through the same thing and I, with how young she was, I was so impressed, like, cuz I, without, you know, having to say anything, like I knew exactly where she was at, I knew what she was going through, but I could also see how she was handling it. And I was like super surprised. I was like, how are you this young and like, have gone through all this, have seen all this. And of able to like make these decisions. I was like, at that age, I would've never made that decision. I would've I would've been so clueless. And so that made it a lot easier for us, like talking afterwards too. Yeah. Yeah. So then jumping back into Brooklyn, cuz you were married mm-hmm. and I don't know, did you come to Austin by yourself or did you come here? No, with him. So yeah, I moved here, um, in May, like I said, 2019 with my ex-husband. Um, you did move with him? I moved with him. Okay. Yeah. And so we were together for six years, but only married for one. Um, we were high school sweethearts and so we met my senior year of high school and, you know, we're, you know, madly in love, young state or whatever you think it is. Um, we had a really good relationship, honestly, all the way through for the most part. Um, you know, minus the little like young fighting things and you know, your early teen or late teens. Um, but we went to college together. We were good. We lived together all throughout college. Um, moved back to Boise, lived together then. Um, so we lived together pretty much for five years. Um, and then, you know, there was never anything where it was like, A big fight or constant fighting that drove us apart necessarily. I think it was just genuinely, we were on such different paths, um, and holding each other back from those paths. Um, I feel like I was definitely the one that saw that more so him, but I honestly think that he has benefited from it more than I have. Um, and in the moment I don't think that he really saw that, but I was holding him back a lot from his potential and what he really wanted. You know, I have a very strong personality and I do have a tendency to, you know, like my way or the highway, and I kind of needed somebody. He would give the world essentially. He would just be like, yes, you're way or the highway, you know, like Brooklyn is on top of everything. Yep. Okay. Whatever you say constantly. I can't get away with that, with this guy. And it's like, and that's honestly what I needed. Like I needed. A strong personality as well, um, in the relationship with me to reel me in or to, for me to look up to, you know? Um, and that's just kinda what drove us apart was that he was lacking there. And I was not accepting him really for who he was. It was more like I wanted to constantly change this person and mold this person into what I wanted them to be because I didn't want to waste so many years of my life, you know, and just like give up. So I just kept trying to change him and change him and change him. Um, eventually, I think it was about, honestly, pretty much the whole year of us being married, I was checked out. Um, and it wasn't checked out in the sense of I knew I was checked out, but it was so much more of like, I loved him in a different way than. you're supposed to love a spouse. You know, I loved him for the person he was and thought he was great. Almost more of like a brotherly love. Right. You know, and like, or like a best friend, like don't say brother, that's kind of creepy. a best friend type of love. Um, and so I just stuck for so long cause I was just like, well, I love him. You know, like of course. Like that's how it's supposed to be. So, you know, and then I moved to Austin and it was, I, in my head I was kind of thinking, well maybe things will change, you know, once we move and maybe we just won't have all these other people. Around us or like looking at us like a fresh start. That's just what we need for me to like get back into like this love with him, you know? And it just made it worse. Of course. You can't just move somewhere and then expect it to be better. Um, and so I saw everything that my life was lacking. Honestly, when I moved here, I was just like, okay, yeah. Like I can't get to this point if I'm still gonna be married to him, unfortunately. And it has nothing wrong, you know, nothing to do with him being wrong or him nothing. You know, he was great. He was a great person. It was just our lifestyles weren't gonna end up matching up together. Um, so I broke things off, um, shortly after Met Tanner. Honestly, it was just very, um, unexpected, very unexpected, how fast, uh, I met him because I was just in this state still just kind of like. Okay, this is, you know, my entire life just changed. And my, like he was saying, my best friend is now not my best friend anymore, and my best friend is gone outta my life. What am I gonna do? You know? Um, so it was like, he was like my angel that came in, you know? But I was at the same time, like terrified. Cause I was like, I was calling my mom every day, like, am I am, am I able to do this? Like, and I was like, mom, like he wants to take me out to dinner on my birthday. Like, I don't know if I should do this. And she's like, Brooklyn, don't do it. And then I like explained everything about him. She's like, oh my God, do it. Don't let him get away. shout out mom But, um, yeah, so that's, that's kind of my story. Um, and I still talk to my ex here and there. Um, mainly just checking in, like, hey, like, hope is all, all is well, like happy birthday, or, you know, just random things like that. But, um, we both wish each other nothing but the best and. I'm just very fortunate to have somebody that I was married to like him because it could have been ugly and it wasn't. And I feel like I still will have a friend no matter what, or have somebody to go to no matter what. But I feel like that's the type of relationship it should have been in the first place, you know? And now I have that, so it's good. Right? Yeah. I mean, cuz you guys were so young too, when you were married. Mm-hmm. I always wonder like, cause I always look at myself, right? I'm like, so, cause I'm single, so I'm like, if I get married, like I would be terrified to like give up like the financial aspect, right? Oh yeah. Like, I'm not making my own money. So like, in y'all's relationships, like, were you guys like 50 50? Were you the provider? Like, what did that look like in both of your relationships? Just curious. We were both pretty similar. I, I was a provider for sure. Yeah. By the way, shout out to casp. Being single over here. I know. Uh, yeah, I mean, yeah, I was, I was a hundred percent the provider. Um, I was, we were literally moving around for my job. So yeah, it was, I didn't, I didn't really have an option. I'm, I was working anyway, so yeah, that was, that was all, a lot of, a lot of the pressure on me and that made it hard. So I would be super curious like what it's like, you know, after actually establishing yourself and then like giving up that freedom. Cuz like when I got married, we were both young, broke, had nothing else, like nothing to our names, right? Like paid for my own wedding, like outta my pocket. They cleared out my savings account. Ring wedding done. Right. broke. Broke as can be starting from scratch. So, you know, being in the point I am now after like, establishing myself, like finances are tricky too. So like trying to go out and like merge that with somebody, it would be, would be super interesting. Yeah, that's, that's crazy. I mean, you guys like, were both kind of like the, I feel like the provider and then you guys came together too, which is cool. Yeah. Because like obviously you both had like that hustle and kind of motivation and fire that you guys like both brought together too. So It's so weird, like when she pulls out her credit card, whenever, like if we go out to dinner or something like that, I'm like, what are you, what are you doing It is, and it really is weird, you know? Yeah, that's funny. Yeah, that's um, that's, that's an interesting point too. Yeah. What if, well too, because you're talking about your parents, like their 40th wedding, an anniversary. So we know that your parents were like really conservative. They're from North Dakota. Are your parents the same way? Um, no, not really. Um, my, my parents are separated but remarried both when I was very, very young. So I got very lucky. I grew up with two sets of parents and I don't care what anybody says, that's two Christmases, that's double set of dinners and presents and all the things. Um, but. I got very lucky as well. My stepparents are both the most incredible people. I mean, he's met them and they're, they're the sweetest people, but I not, I would not say super religious. My mom's side way more so. Yes. Um, mother grew up religious and everything. My mom's whole side is religious. Um, dad's side, not so much. Um, I guess my grandpa was a pastor though. My dad's dad so I guess, yeah, But I did not grow up super religious. No. Um, we were in church. Um, but my mom more so was kind of like, okay, well you pick your own path. Um, it was never forced upon me, I wanna say, but we were definitely exposed to it. Um, we did pray at night, all of that stuff. Um, but again, it was never forced, you know? And that was never her. Mindset on her, uh, decisions for me to make. It was never okay, Brooklyn, well you need to tra stay true to this. You know? It was like, what do you wanna do and what do you feel like is correct for your life? It was never why I should do it, you know? Right. That's, yeah. So pretty, pretty different. Were your, were your parents the same way? Like when you were like going through, through the divorce? Like were they, you know, like, Hey, we just want you to be happy, or was that like a tougher, that was the hardest thing I've ever done. Yeah. Was telling It was harder for me to tell my parents than actually like, go through it. Yeah. You know, and like separate with my ex, it was harder to tell my parents cuz like grew up in a very religious family. Super strong. Like, you know, there's divorce. Isn't anywhere in that whole, like on either side of my, you know, parents', families, they all grew up Christian and it was, you know, just wasn't an option over me not being happy. Who cares, right? Like, you just, you just don't do that. You figure it out. So that's, that was definitely like the hardest part, I'd say. Like how far, like me and my parents have like gone and how much they've opened up over the last, you know, few years has been like, completely game changing for all of us Where, you know, they truly see you. You know what, what made me happier? What didn't make me happy? Uh, so yeah, that was a hundred percent the hardest part was having that conversation with my parents. Yeah, I would imagine. I mean, I, I grew up in like a super religious family too. Like, my mom's Catholic, so like, you don't get divorced, you know? Mm-hmm. But it's so hard because I think, you know, we know, like our generation knows like, you have to do what's right for you and like, what's gonna make you happy. And it's like, what's the point of staying in a marriage, you know, just because of your religious beliefs. Yeah. Or you know, and I'm sure they see you like, I'm sure they get it more and more every day, like seeing you so happy with this one that it probably starts clicking and making and we get along real well. Yeah. I'm sure they love you. So, you know, it's, I don't know, I feel like it'd be so tough to go through that and you guys went through it such young ages. Like, I, I can't even get one husband. Okay. And I'm 20 So how about, how about that? So you being single, you're out here in Austin dating. Yeah. Like how often do you run into a guy who's been married before or a guy who has kids a question versus, or is it just a bunch of no people? So first of all, okay, this is what I'm gonna say. when you're walking around downtown, how often do you guys see kids? Okay, we always talk about that Kids do not exist in Austin at all. Thank goodness. I do not I do, I do not know where they all are. Like, they like walk into the borders of downtown and they just like drop into like an abyss because they do not exist like dogs. Every, every time, every time. no, they turn into dogs. every time I see a kid, like I always go to book. I'm like, what's that? What is that? What's that date like? Yeah. Kids don't exist. So like any of the guys I'm ever dating or talking to, they've never been married. I don't think they ever wanna get married. I think they wanna run around, like down town's the opposite. So it's, it's a bunch of guys that you don't trust. Like if they take it serious. Yeah. Are these like dating app guys for the most part? Uh, yeah. I, I feel like, I don't know what, I don't know if it's would be different, but I feel like having kids. is like more of like a non dating app thing, you know, like on a dating app. I feel like less people have kids. Um, just, I don't know. I feel like that's more of like a younger Right. Or like it is. Yeah. You know what I mean? But even running around Austin. True. Like, I never even thought about this. Just like all my like guy friends, not one of'em, not one of'em is like, oh, I just wanna settle down and have a family. Like none of them, you know? That's true. And all of our friends are like over 30 too. Really? So, yeah. Yeah. So it's, it's definitely a different culture here. Huh? So you see it, I guess, out there. Yeah. Out there when you're dating. Mm-hmm. It's wild. So is it hard to trust a guy then on a date if you're Uh, it's not hard to trust a guy cuz like, I feel like at this point I have very hard like, high standards. Good. Like I know what I put up with and I don't put up with, and then like I'll start talking to a couple different guys and I just. run them around in circles. Seeing you Watch out boys. I know, I should. I'm like, I'm like, I should not have said that. um, not run them around in circles cuz I'm like obviously interested in them. Yeah. I'm just like, who's gonna actually like show up, put them to the test. Yeah. And put, treat me the right way, you know? Yeah. So that's kind of what I do. I think the best thing to do is put'em around your friends. Yeah. And like, before it even like gets to the point where you're like, you're like dating. Like if there's a guy you're kind of interested, like super casually, invite him out, like out with your friends and just see how he like meshes with everybody. Yeah. I'll just make you guys vet. I'm not vet them. We are very good at that. I'll just bring him around. I don't know if we're friends. Would agree. Yeah. I feel like you guys have detected it. I I'm very harsh with my, I was gonna say with who? Like, so who, who my friends bring around. I'm like, who are you? I mean, we just know it doesn't work. Right? Right. So it's like, one of like, my friends will talk to me in like day two. They're like, oh, but this, I was like, so stop. Like, what are you doing? Like it's, if you're already complaining about it after like day two, week one, even, you know, a month or so in, like if there's already those doubts, like it's not gonna work. And by the way, like that's okay. And it already goes back to like what he was saying earlier. It's like, stop on your head. You know? Because this person might be really freaking cool and could be a friend, but if you go and sleep with him on the second day, like, okay, well now all you just slept with your friend, you know? Yeah. And it's like, okay, well now you can't really pew. Pew My word of my, my word of advice. I learned this. I got this from my buddy Josh. Oh my God. So it's like awesome. We joke like, cuz this town is so small, right? Like you see the same people over and over again. And are you saying that everyone sleeps with everyone? When Josh, Josh goes up right to one of my buddies face-to-face, he goes, Only take home the tourist, And it's like, that's the best advice, like could give any of our friends. It's true. It's really good. You know, like if something goes bad, like we're gonna have to see the same person through five of our different circles. It's all our friends. I was like, so if there's any tension, like guess what? Like we're gonna be friends with them on, on both sides. So just don't mess it up. Like Tanner, stay outta the circle. You don't have to tell me. I've lived here my whole life, so Yeah. you're like, my pool's been shrinking. Yeah. I barely leave my house anymore. I'm like, I don't wanna run into anyone. Thank you. Oh my gosh. It's true though. Like once you go out, like you could, you could go out by yourself and by the end of the night you could round up 40 people. Like if you started, it's, it's getting a little busier now, but before, like when it was super easy to barhop, we'd go to West and people would be like, where'd you go last night? And you'd rattle off like 11 bars cuz you'd just go one drink and jump one drink and jump. And it's like you'd grab four people at each bar, then go to the next one, grab another six. Like that. That used to be what it, what it was like here. Yeah. Now it's so crowded. And now I'm getting older and there's a bunch of. people that don't look like they should be in the bar. In the bar. So it's fake IDs. It's, it's a little, they're just 21 year old kids. It's like they're 12 years younger than me, you know, like Yeah. When I was graduate. That's true. It's like, wait, are you outta place or am I outta place? I know, I feel kinda old when I like go into the bars now and I'm like, am I getting old or is it, that's like how old's too old? Like No, that's definitely been the nice thing about doing our own events too. Mm-hmm. Cause like, you kind of like curate what you want out of a night versus, yeah. Well like your guy friends who are like in their thirties, if they're not wanting to like, you know, think about like, be in a relationship and like, want kids like. What are they doing? Because like, I'll get on dating apps and the guys are like, you know, like, I'm not looking like I'll go on a date with them. They'll do some crazy stuff. Like, I've had guys like, literally buy me like a bottle of perfume. Pick me up, take me to a steakhouse. Wait, what? Yes. And then they're like, I'm not a, they, they tell me they tell me, they're like, I'm not emotionally available. I'm not interested in dating. And I'm like, why the fuck are you on a dating app and why are you doing the most spoiling me? Yeah. Yeah. Like, is that how dating is? No, no. That's, that's a, my I have some stories, but I just, that just seems like they're almost just trying to fill like a hole or a need in their life, right? Yeah. Just plug it in. You see a lot of people too, I've seen that focus so much on other people's problems. You're just like, it's just cuz you don't want to address your own. Right. Like it's a lot easier to hide behind, behind someone else's. So it could easily be something like that too, where it's just a little insecurity and it's like, all right, I can hide it. I can go out, have some fun, get someone a gift. Like let that distract from like a real conversation. No, it's not like, don't have anybody to like spoil themselves, you know? Yeah. So it's like, why not just do it on your dates? Yeah. You know, maybe. Yeah. I don't know. Do you have like a lot of single girlfriends in Austin? I mean, I feel like they're all pretty. Oh yeah. I feel like they're all pretty single. Yeah. All my girlfriends. How's that working for? Yeah, they're all single for them. I'm not great honestly. I mean, we were kind of talking the other day, like all my friends have told me that the dating scene is trash. Yeah. Yeah. And I don't know, like, like we were saying, like maybe you're not looking in the right places and whatnot, but. I feel like I got freaking lucky. I feel like, you know, I'm like my first try and I snatched it up. I think you guys might be doing something good though for like the dating scene in Austin, even though that's not like your focus. Mm-hmm. But you guys found each other, you came together and then you guys kind of started a passion project together. Right? For sure. That's kind of where Secret Disco Society came from. Exactly. I was saying, yeah, that's what I wanna jump into because now you guys have all these cool people at your events and like, you know, maybe I can meet a guy there, one of your friends can meet a guy there. If not, at least I'm making like a bunch of cool friends, you know? Yeah. I think one of the coolest things is like seeing go to into a concert and all of a sudden seeing some people from our events be like, wait a second. I know they didn't know each other before one of our events. Like, it happens a lot, we've, there's people that are dating because of it. Mm-hmm. there's people that are friends, there's new groups that have all all formed and we've always kind of pushed the social aspect. So like secret disco, we started it just cuz. during covid, people needed people. Like that's something we noticed. Like we have a lot of friends that are introverted, uh, and they were struggling. Like I could tell, like they just, you know, I don't really understand like anxiety, depression, just cuz I'm always up, like I always feel, feel great, but I totally get that people are going through it and I could just like see it just wearing on people and I'm like, I'll a hundred percent take the leap, take the opportunity and like use what I have my platform and bring people together. And so that was kinda one of the things with secret disco where we've always. Not just try to throw these crazy events, but truly like try to connect people through it and bring people together, because I think that's what, that's what's missing a lot. You know, if you go to, you bring in a big artist, right? And on that flyer is just that big artist and a couple sponsors, right? Like, everybody's just going for them and as soon as that person's done, they leave. Right? Versus we try to create our events based on activities and people in a room where you can actually get that human connection and, and talk. I think that's what's, what's missing in almost any community is just that conversation piece. So we try to find ways to like creatively push it, and I think that's what's like super powerful. Yeah. And you guys did it, you guys co-founded it together and was it like during the pandemic when it first started? My favorite story? Yep. Oops. Um, it was my favorite story. We were, it was middle of the pandemic, uh, new Year's. We were trying to get together with like 20, 30 of our friends. We had a friend that had a townhouse. Mm-hmm. was back home in New Jersey. Got covid for Christmas. Yeah. And couldn't fly back. So since he tested positive, he couldn't, couldn't come back and we're like, well, should we go to his house without him? Mm-hmm. and like all of our friends were kind of relying on us. Cuz like even before this, like Tanner and I were always the ones to bring all of our friends together. It was like, Hey Brooklyn, hey Tanner. Like what are we, what are we gonna do for this or for that? You know, it was always like relying on what our plans were. And so we had invited probably like, what? Like at least like 25 to 30 people and we're like, well, crap. Like now we don't have a place to go. And we like promised all these people a place. So honestly we like took it upon ourselves. But that's, that's how, is how I am. Like if something falls apart, I'm like, I'm an engineer, right? So I'm a problem solver. There's a problem. I'm cool. Like, let me, let me find a way to solve it. If he says he's gonna like do something, like it is going to happen. Yeah, it will happen. It wa it wasn't even really intentional. It's like, all right, let's come up with a plan B. Who has a house? Nobody has a house. Okay, where do we go? I started asking around and my buddy Eric is like, Hey, some of my friends have a dance studio up north. And I was like, oh, that sounds cool. It was like a small dance studio. one bathroom mirrors on the whole side and like these production lights as painted black. I was like, this is the coolest thing ever. Like this is the perfect place to come hide during New Year's, cuz like cops were cracking down and everything. I'm like, let's just come in here, lock the doors and hide It. Only had one bathroom and so we made a sign. There was like, if you're a guy, go pee outside. Yeah. Yeah. And it was like a tiny bathroom too. Um, but yeah, so we threw that together on like less than two days and like 60, 70 people showed up B Y O B, like we all threw in 10 bucks to pay the dance studio so they could get a little bit of money and then they could clean it afterwards and stuff like that. We like to party city and got like prom decorations, you know, like the really, the decoration really bad, like spiraled one. Are those things called streamers, you know, where you like spiral'em together? Our buddy Preston djd for four hours for free cuz he hadn't done a gig in like, you know, two years. Oh yeah, bro. Good. Just like, uh, screenshotted his Venmo and went and took around to every single person on the party was like taking a Yeah. Um, but it was awesome and like, it was literally instantly we were like, let's keep doing this. Like, this is really cool. We could just see like, people were so happy to be around people even though we had people that were furious with us that we did it, you know? Yeah. And it's. In our opinions. We were young, we were healthy, and like we thought that was more important, you know, bringing our friends together. And it really was like, it made a huge difference in a lot of difference in a lot of people's lives. Mm-hmm. So we went for it. As soon as we got done, like we started planning the next one, like immediately did a Valentine's Day party back at that same spot. So that was like that February and then March, the covid restrictions lifted. And so we thought like, all right, now the only reason people are going to us is cuz we're the ones taking the risk and like trying to bring, bring people together. And it's like all of a sudden science now said it's okay to go out. And we're like, all right, everybody's just gonna go back to the bars. And we'd already built such a cool little community, um, place started reaching out to us. And so we just went with it and we started making friends with all these DJ. and like, okay, this is cool. Like we can give them a platform. And also all these DJs came out of covid, I swear to God, because like everyone learned, everyone was picking up a new hobby, so they just like picked up DJing, which thank God they did. But I feel like it was just like all of a sudden, like, you're a DJ now you're a dj. Like we had all these people that wanted to DJ for us, which was really cool. So, so yeah, we just, we just took it and ran with it and we've, we've kinda had like some core values through the whole thing. So it's like we're community based, like we want to make an experience too. So we've had a bunch of people ask, well, why don't you, why don't you do this every single week at this spot? We're like, that's, that's just the same thing over and over again. People are just saying, we don't wanna be just another event company. Right. We want it to be a special curated event. Yeah. Yep. So do you guys have like a number of events that you like, try to do throughout the year or you just kind of At least once a month, but Yeah, about once a month, but like, The first kind of by awkward year, almost two years, it's like we are throwing stuff on two weeks notice cuz someone come up to us and be like, I've got this venue. Like, what do you think? I'm like, Ooh, let's come up with this theme. Like, let's get everybody dressed up. Let's do it. Um, you also kind of gotta be careful cuz now that shows are back, like there's so many big shows where we're not gonna compete if there's a giant show at the Concourse, right? Mm-hmm. So, and also we don't really want to compete with those. Like, we like those shows too. So we want to coexist. We don't want to do a night with a bunch of DJs that are local that we really like and then nobody show up. You know? Cuz half of it's, half of it's for them. The other half is, you know, for the crowd and who has fun if they don't get to meet anybody. Mm-hmm. so. We don't plan super far out, like on purpose. But yeah, I'd say we probably target like one, maybe two a month. Um, we don't like to overdo it for sure. Yeah. Yeah, because I've gone to a couple of them and they're like amazing. Like they're so much fun. I feel like you guys always have a theme. There's always good people. Like I told you guys the other day, like, I get sick of going into somewhere like Mayfair and seeing like the same people that are always just buying bottle service, service. Like who knows what they're doing with their life. Like I feel like the people. y'all's events are like on the pulse of Austin. Like not only are they young and cool and nice, they also have like successful careers and like a lot of other things going on. So it's such like a nice environment to like make friends and like meet new people. And then you guys always do like different themes, which yep. I don't know, I'm, that's my favorite part. I'm like, I think my whole closet looks like dress up. So I'm all about, I love that a theme, like it's so fun. So Yeah, and I mean, that's the thing, like we want people to get excited for it, you know? Like, I mean, I have one of our friends, Heidi, she is always dressed to the nines and she gets so excited about our parties and she'll like send me like a screenshot, like, I just bought this for this party. And I'm like, that's exactly what this is supposed to be. You know, people getting excited and planning and being like, okay, well I got my costume. What are you gonna wear? You know, like telling their friends and it's like, she almost makes me wanna dress up more, you know? So it's like one of those things where I'm not just like going to the bar and just like dressed in this. I'm like, okay, I want people texting me like, what are you wearing? Okay, well I'm gonna wear this. Like, what do you, you know, because it's exciting. Yeah. Especially for women. I don't know. Something much for men. Yeah. I don't know. Is that, I love dressing up. Dressing up with, yeah, dressing up is so much fun. He, he has a bigger, like, dress up closet than I do. I'm not even kidding. Really? Oh, yeah. Yeah. He's always, well, he's things He's rocking pink hair right now too. Facts. Yeah. So he, he's definitely down to dress up He's a little more out there than I am. I will say I lost a bit. I lost a bit. I had to I got volunteered for a bit. Yeah. And she was gone for two weeks, so I said I'll just, I'm literally never leaving again. I like it. No, it's cool. Got That's for your pink. Yeah. I never would've thought like three years ago that like I would be a owner of two different companies and both of them, their main color is pink You know what? And my like whole thing is like pink. I love pink. So we got pink lighting. You're like the king of pink over here. I love it. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a lot of pink works out. Yeah. We got a lot of people to rock and realize, realize it's cool. So Yeah. So that's awesome though cuz you guys started out with like the new year party and then how quickly did you realize like this is something we're building entire business because you guys have like. Big sponsors now, like alcohol brands, like beatbox beverages, and like I've seen a few different alcohol companies and all stuff. Yeah, yeah. Almost, almost every alcohol company in town has reached out to us. We've had, you know, different dating apps, all sorts of different, different companies reach out and sponsor us, which is really cool. Mm-hmm. I think like the best part about it is I've got a real job, so I've never looked at it as a business. Almost everything we make, like, we'll try to reinvest whether it's in our equipment, in our DJs, in our staff, you know, over overpaying people, like, because we're so grateful for what they do. Uh, and we haven't really flipped that switch and try to be like, all right, how do we maximize profits? How, what, what is this? What is that? We make sure that we don't lose money on any shows and, and we roll with it. You know? It's the only reason we charge is cause that way we can cover our costs. If it didn't cost us anything, I, it'd be hard for me to charge anybody that's like who I am. I just want to create a really cool, yeah, cool culture. You know this, but we love when we gotta do free events. Like I love that. We actually love that. Yeah, that's, that's, it's my favorite thing to do is just open the door, right? Like, make it as, as inclusive as possible. There's been so many times where it's like still slammed and Tanner will be like, all right, like, stop making people pay. And I'll just be like, open the door, cuz like he just wants everybody to be there and enjoy it, you know, obviously towards the end of the night. But yeah, you know, it's not one of those things where we're just trying to monetize, monetize, monetize, which yes is nice, but the end of the day it comes down to our community and are they going to feel like they have a home with us? And that's kind of, I feel like secret discount strives to do, you know? Right. We have no discount codes, no guest list. Right. Yeah. We, we do a, we do a cheaper ticket the first day always for whoever wants to support us no matter what. We don't even announce the show first day. Here's our presale. If you want to get it, great. If not, then here's the ticket price. And all that is is for us to get to a number, number and cover it. And nothing's outrageous. Yeah. We try to make it affordable. The person's like, Hey, can you gimme in for free? I was like, Hey, like the only reason I'm charging cuz it cost a bunch of money, like if you can help support me, great. If not, like mm-hmm. You know, go grab a free drink somewhere else. Like, appreciate it. But it's like, it costs, like any, any event costs like thousands of dollars to produce. Like people have no clue. Like sound is super expensive. I mean, we're in a podcast pair, our DJs, this stuff is, this stuff is so expensive. You know, like equipment DJ is like, we want to pay them great. Like we want to pay them better than anywhere else in town if we can. Right. Like that's cuz we appreciate them so much. you know, photo, video, that's expensive. That's the only reason we charge. But it's anytime we can get involved, you know, getting as many people there as possible, it's, it's so much fun for me. Yeah. I think there's strength in numbers. Like, there's something really cool about just a lot of people, you know, growing up in North Dakota, like I was talking about earlier, like everybody, you know, looked like some little Norwegian German white kid. Right? Like there's no diversity at all still selling ya No, I gotta go Yeah. But that's also why they can handle when it's 20 below zero and it's like, all right, schools, school's actually gonna start 10 minutes early because we all know what we're doing. Like there's no, there's no snowstorm, you know, delays or shut downs. Like there was, it was everything shut down here last week when it was 36 degrees and it's 30 below and they're, everything's normal. You know? Right. Because those people are tough as nails. Yeah. But like, also, like, I didn't really grow up with a bunch of diversity, so I think it's so cool, like how diverse my, my like friend group is here, you know, that's one of my favorite things. Yeah. About being in Austin is so like, that's the really cool thing about our parties is we get people, you know, that. make all sorts of different money that look different, you know, that are in all different places of their life, young and old, and they all get to share a room. Like that's, that's pretty powerful to me. Yeah. I feel like it's kind of sad too cuz we like start out our lives with like such a sense of community. Like going to like elementary school and middle school. Like for sure we have all these people like the same age around us, you know, sports and then sports and all these different things. And then it's like as you get a little bit older into your like mid twenties, early thirties, it's like, I feel like you start losing sounds like outta college. Yeah. Like, right. Yeah. Outta college you start losing that community more and more. Yep. So this is something that like, gives you that sense of community again, which is something we all need, you know? Mm-hmm. um. And then you guys are doing a lot of events at Native hostel, which I love native hostel. It's an amazing venue. But you're also doing some, like if the Secret Disco Society wasn't enough, you guys also do stuff with Sphere. So I wanna jump into that a little bit. Yes. And you guys have careers, which I wanna touch on. These are just your passion projects. Yes. Go sleep, side, side hustle, kings, uh, yeah, sphere. So Sphere is awesome. Sphere's, uh, it started here as like a soccer inspired fitness community. So it's very community based. Uh, the guy who started Mike Jabal, he used to play professional soccer. And so after he retired, he went through this period where he was like trying to stay in shape, trying to keep some touches on the ball, but he realized how miserable it was without that locker room. You know, he'd been used to having 15 guys in a locker room his whole life. Right? Those are your best friends. You do everything together, whether it's on the field, off the field, and. after anybody's done with sports, right? That's instantly gone cuz everybody goes, goes their separate ways. And so he created Sphere to recreate a locker room. Well that's when I really like turned the switch in. Austin was when I joined Sphere. So I moved here August when the year I moved here. I found Sphere in January. So like I had that four months where I was going through it like deep hard, like really figuring myself out. And then I like got to the point where I was feeling really good at myself and like wanted to get out a little bit more. And as soon as I jumped on on the Sphere squad, like I felt like I was part of a team, like instantly, like I was back to myself. And so that's why I've been so passionate about, you know, taking it over because I'd been there for about a year. It was right before Covid all the, all the people that used to run it just all quit at the exact same time. And. well, this is how I met all my friends, you know? And it was for me, easy to make friends and it, that was the easy place for me to make friends. But for a lot of people, like they don't have a real easy spot to make friends. And I was like, I'm not letting this die like this can make a huge difference in everybody's life. So I just grabbed all the gear and didn't stop. you know, and I've been, been doing it ever since. You know, I've volunteered for years on it, just cuz I just cared so much, so much about the community. But that's the coolest thing, is like, it's, again, it's another thing that's very community driven. Apparently I've got a theme, Yeah. On, on what I like, but it's like, I'm actually naturally kind of introverted. I'm like the last person to go up to some random person at a bar or say a word in the elevator or introduce myself on the plane. But once I get to know somebody, or once I get introduced, I'll talk to them for hours. I don't believe that for like a sec. Cuz he's, yeah. Yeah. So it's like, I know a lot of people don't see it. You don't see it. I need, I need that, like, that start and once it starts, like I'll go, I'll go for days. Right. I find people so interesting, you know, how, how diverse everybody is, how many different stories everybody has. But for me, you know, once I was playing a game of soccer, it was r that was my introduction, right? It wasn't a physical like, hi, my name's Tanner. It was just a simple pass and that was all I needed to feel like I was, you know, friends with them. And so that's why like I've been so passionate about sphere, adding other cities, adding other sports to it. Cuz it's like once you get like one or two things in common, it's really easy for people to talk and people to become friends. And I'd say like most of the people here that are in the club are introverted. You know, where it's, they need that simple game to make them feel, feel natural versus, you know, just out in a, if you go out to a random bar, you have no clue what anybody likes or what their story is or what their background is. But it's like if you've got fitness and you've got soccer, those two things are already in common. Then it's just what's your name, where you're from, and you can really get, get to know'em because you already know that you guys are connected in. Right. How intense is the soccer though? Because like, see, sphere is something I would love to do. Mm-hmm. because I, I want that connection. I wanna go be a part of a team. Like, I like being athletic, but I'm like, I don't wanna go out there and, you know, be some like elite soccer team. uh, we gotta, we gotta get you out there. Not at all. Yeah. Everything's designed play speed. We've got people who've never played before and we've got people that played professionally. We've got people that are 18 years old and Kent 68, and we're all on the same field, which is, which is really cool. Um, we actually purposely break the teams down to like five to seven people so that it is more intimate and everybody's involved, involved no matter what. So we're very intentional about it. We make it super easy. Um, we've got a really cool combination of all, all skill levels, which is, which is why it's fun. It's also why we're adding, like the run club. We start every workout or every session with a. So there's a little hit workout first. So it kind of gets your body moving and it takes the pressure off at just being soccer. Right. It's this cool like fun fitness concert. It's like fitness. Yeah. Fitness meets soccer. Yeah. So we've had so many people that have come out, never played soccer and now they love the game. Like my favorite thing is when someone buys their first pair of boots. Like they're like, Hey here's, here's my soccer shoes. Like I'm ready to go now. Like I've bought these off, off Nike. Like I'm ready, I'm ready to play. Like it's official, you know she just got her first pair last year. Well I kind of bought'em for you, but No you didn't. I bought them. We got, we got her on You kind buy her in your pair I bought them. We got, we got her out on the ball last year. Oh yeah, that's right. That's right. Yeah's all, some all black Nike shoes I bought, bought my own She's even got her goal, her signature goal celebration and everything now. So. Oh really? I I think Brooklyn is like downplaying how good she is. It's true. It's true. She is so true. She hates to admit it, but every time she scores this, it's, and he'll call me out. I'm like almost crying cuz it's true. I can't help it. Like when I score. I dunno why. And it's like the total, it's like both fingers out. I dunno why. But now it's, it's super fun. Like, like I said, it's fitness, end of soccer. Uh, we're building the new facility here at, you know, across the street at Native. So we'll have that like fully programmed fitness classes. We added yoga, we're adding a run club. Our buddy Justin's taking that over. Sierra's doing the yoga class. Uh, it's, I think it's gonna turn very fast. Like probably over this summer is the biggest, you know, sports social group. So network in Austin and I think it's gonna absolutely take off. And I think this will be the BR blueprint for where it goes nationwide. Yeah. Brooklyn's gonna teach classes, right? Yeah. She's gonna teach Fin's classes. Yeah. If I can go and I'm gonna look like Brooklyn, I'll be there Every same. Same. I'm trying to get abs like that. stop it. Yeah. No, it's, it's really fun and it's a really easy way to meet a lot of people very fast. And that's, that's the other cool thing about it is like the group is so diverse where I may not have that connection with you, but. I've got this group of a hundred people in this club and it's like, oh wait, you're from Columbia, so are these seven players? Wow. You know? Oh, that's one of the coolest parts I think, is that there's like so many countries involved in this. Like it is insane when they go around and it's all the different accents too, cuz you start with a huddle and you go around and introduce yourself. They all have such different accents and different names cuz they're, they're from different countries. So it's like these names you can barely pronounce, but it is, I don't know, I think that's one of my favorite parts about going to Sphere. It's so cool. Honestly. Yeah, cuz yeah, I've never met anybody from South America, from Central America, from Mexico. Like we have, we have so many like people that Argentina, like all sorts of places and it's like so cool. Like people that you never would just go up to and just talk to, you know, because there's that, that fear of diversity and you know, all that, that kind of is natural and on the field it doesn't matter, you know? And then, We go to no shower, happy hours together. And you just, you get to know each other. Yeah. Yeah. And like the blood is, like, the ball is a soccer ball. Right. So even though we'll expand into these other sports, like it's always a soccer concept. And like, you never played soccer before, right? No. If I threw a ball on the ground, you know what to do. Right. You know, you gotta kick it. No, I mean, I'm a little blonde, but like, maybe I'll figure it out. you know, you know, you kick it, right? So it's, it's a universal language. Do I So it's, it's kind of cool that it, like one ball has connected the world in the coolest way possible. Like, it's, it's so, doesn't matter what language you speak, like everybody knows how to use it. Yeah. And so, yeah, I think that's, that's the coolest thing. And it's like I said, super powerful way to bring a bunch of people together. Yeah. You guys are huge connectors. Like, I love it. Huge. Yeah. Like power, power in numbers. And also like, I think if you get the right core leading it, you can kind of curate the culture. Like, I honestly think like people's perception of Austin in the next couple years is gonna be based on what a group, uh, there's a. There's a really good core group in Austin that's doing some really good things and they keep bringing in really good people without egos, with like minds that are the same. And instead of trying to compete or instead of trying to, you know, get on stage and look at me, it's how can we work together and change everybody's lives? And it's like, like last night we were at Highbrow Lowbrow. We were with Matt from the Riser Nation podcast. We were with James and Chip, who, who run Highbrow lowbrow. All the people we were talking to. It's like, wow. Like there's not an ego in here. Like these are the people that I would, I would go to war for, you know, I would do anything for if they call me, anybody called me right now, anybody in that whole circle would call someone else and be like, Hey, my tire, I got a flat tire. I'm on the side of the road. It's raining. Every single one of those people would rush over there to like, and there was hundreds do, do what they can to help. Wow. And so I think. I think there's a group that's already locked, and I think the culture in Austin the next two to five years is gonna stem outta that. Like I really do. You know, it's, it's pretty cool to be a part of and it's like, I think we all have super high standards and I think that's why Austin's got a really good chance of not not changing and, and losing that soul. It has. Well, that's the thing. I think that's, that that whole group really cares about what Austin is gonna become. It's like we really want this city to be somewhere that we all want to continue to call home. And so it's like working towards that goal and just continuously like Austin in 10 years is what people here are building it to be. You know? So it's like what we're doing right now is gonna affect Austin in 10 years. So it's kinda like having that mindset of, okay, well do I wanna live here in 10 years? Like what kind of people do I wanna be surrounded by? You know? So you gotta. That's like so beautiful. I feel like you guys just gave me like a sense of relief cuz I've lived here for so long and I'm like, please Austin. Like I don't want it to become like LA like a bunch of egos mm-hmm. and stuff. Mm-hmm. But you're right. Like there's the right people in the community doing the right things where if we have that, it shouldn't end up that way. You know? That's the goal. Yeah, exactly. I think like, I think we embraced change. Like let's go all in on it, you know, everybody is so sad that Rainey's disappearing. Right. Well no offense, but the first bar on Rainey was in 2008. Like, yeah. The only reason we, it's not that new, we noticed, cause that's, that's our little timeline, right? Like, we had to kick a bunch of people outta their houses before, like, why aren't we mad at that? Right. Like, let's, no, but it was like, the bars made it really cool and now all these skyscrapers are gonna come in and there's gonna be new bars and it's gonna be really cool. Like, we gotta embrace that. I. As long as, because it's inevitable. As long as Austin's culture doesn't change. So like, let's, let's go all in, let's let Austin change, but let's keep it super inclusive. Right? Like, doesn't necessarily have to be a bunch of weird hippies like it used to be, but it's always been this welcoming place where it's this, you know, giant melting pot of all these different people moving from all across the country. I think like the nice thing about Austin is it's so far away from anything else. Like the only cities we're close to are Austin, are Houston and Dallas, and the people that move there come here because they don't want to be there and they want to be included in our culture. Mm-hmm. Otherwise they would stay. Other than that, like how many people do we know from our home states? Like not that many. Yep. So it's, when I was in Denver, there'd be this, the group from Ohio that was there and the group from Minnesota, the group from Wisconsin, the group from Wyoming, cuz they're still close enough where it's like they're all high school buddies and they could all go home and stuff like that. Here you don't have a choice, so whoever you run into, Whatever activity you're at, like that's, that's your group of friends and you gotta make it. You gotta make it work. And I think Austen is so inclusive and welcoming. That's the culture that it has and that's, I think, what can't change. Yeah. If we wanna keep Austin Austin and grow with it. Mm-hmm. So, I mean, we still wanna keep Austin like a little weird, you know, like, uh, we wanna keep it really weird. Yeah. Keep, keep it original again. I mean, I just shouted out James and Chip from, from High eyebrow. They're the, some of the weirdest people I know as long as those guys are, are in control. As long as some dude with pink hair is, is got a, got a little bit of say in it, it's gonna, it's gonna stay weird, but it's gonna be fun as hell and it's gonna be open to anybody who wants to be, you know, part of something special. Yeah. Are you seeing like, a lot of tie over between like sphere and secret disco? Like people going playing soccer and then coming to like, the events you're hosting? Yeah, I think, yeah, I think it's kind of intentional. Like, I kind of wanted all my, all my worlds to collide cuz shoot, I work 80, 90, a hundred hours a week. You know, I, I don't care. I'm, I'm probably always working. I don't really turn it off and when I turn it off, I fall asleep. Ask her like I go till I drop and. I think Antonio from Native like said it best. He's like, I'll work 80 hours a week, as long as I get to pick which 80 hours there are and what I'm working on. Mm-hmm. So for me it's like I'm only doing stuff that I'm gonna be involved in. I'm not, I'm not working 40 hours for somebody when they tell me to. Right. Which is, which is kind of nice. Like I'm on, I'm on my schedule, I'm doing what I'm super passionate about. So I'd say like sphere, that's why I'm so drawn to Sphere is because it's not just like this soccer complex. It's not just this like fitness group. It's very social, you know? And it's all about music and energy and that's what I feed off of, which is so hard to find at your age. Secret disco is energy and connection and people, so it's like, to me, they're the same thing. They just use different things to connect people. Yeah. That's amazing. Like you guys are doing so much. And I told you the other day too, I was like, I feel like you guys would just be on like coffee all the time because I don't know how you guys get any sleep. You guys travel, you have two pets. You're doing secret disco, you have Sphere Club, and you guys both work like legit jobs too. Yeah. And and we have, we have like fitness influencer over here. Like I don't even know how you guys are doing it. All And she cooks. She does Are you sure I do cook. Are you sure? I can't have her. Tanner. Hey. Hey. I'm not, I'm not selfish. You can, uh, you can have it. That's so funny. Yeah, but like, cuz you guys both have like separate jobs too, I thought. Cuz you know, when I first met you guys, I thought you guys were just running like secret disco and mm-hmm. you know, cause that's what most people think. There's a lot going on with that. Like, I can't even imagine the amount of work that goes into that. but you're like an apartment locator, right? Mm-hmm. So you're always helping people like find apartments and then you're an engineer, which I literally thought you were like a software engineer. And then I was like, oh shit. No. Tanner's like a real engineer. Yeah. Cause software engineers are not real engineers. all I work with is like software engineers and they play like Mario Kar at the lunchtime Yeah. The, the term engineer gets thrown a lot. Like I went to all engineering school, but it wasn't like, those weren't even options. It was like the actual engineering chemical, mechanical civil engineering. So I'm, I've got a civil engineer degree, I do heavy construction. So that's, I did tunnels for three years. I did skyscrapers for 10 years and, and I'm doing like high-end commercial rebuilds. So it's, it's real like construction and engineering, not just, oh I'm, I'm an engineer cuz I've got a computer. I've gotta go computer. It's, you know. Yeah. But I, I think that helps, like, I think that's made my intentions so much better for sphere end, for secret disco is just, cuz. It's never been, I think if I've made the, made the flip for secret disco. Right. And you hear entrepreneurs like, don't give yourself any options. Like go all in. Right. If I quit my job and was just doing secret disco, I think it would come across kind of fake. Like I'd just be trying to do everything for a buck, you know? And cuz I need it, I rely on it. Maybe it would turn into a way better business, but I think it'd be a way worse culture. And so I've been super fortunate that I've always had a real job as I call it, My, my normal, my normal seven to five. Um, but I think that's like, kept me super grounded and like, kept my intentions really clean with, with everything I've done. Yeah. What do you guys do when you get like worn out? We watched the Blacklist on Netflix. I like that show Yeah. I don't really, yeah, like she gets mad at me, so like she's, every night she's like, I never get off your phone. And it's not, cuz I'm like just texting people. 9:00 PM 9:00 PM it's drop the phone. I thought of this and if I like, if I don't write it down, like I'm gonna forget, you know? And so it's like my brain is just always on, uh, think of the weirdest stuff at the weirdest hours, but it's like, he'll like literally will just be like laying there and like watching like TV or something and he'll like grab his phone and do something and I'd be like, what are you doing? I look over and he is buying like a hundred dolphins on Amazon Dolphins. And I'll be like, why are you genius? Why are you dolphins? We, uh, like, uh, blow up dolphins. That's just one example. for, for last year we did, uh, we bus like 400 people out Dakota for a concert, so we're like for a secret disco. Yeah. Me and a couple of my friends like getting out Dakota's miserable. So like let's get a bus, call them my buddy s Ninja buses. And I was like, Hey sticks, uh, I think we want a bus for Coda. He's like, how many do you have? I was like, I don't know, probably like 40 to 50. He's like, well, it's 40 people to a bus. Like, do you want two? And I was like, well, why don't I just post on secret disco and see how many we can fill up? And within hours we filled up like six buses. Yeah. Wow. And so I was like, how many buses do you have? And he is like, I got 10. I was like, give us all 10. And so there's three or four different concerts last year where we bust 400 people out. Wow. It was amazing out out Dakota, but I was. when we went out to one like a few years ago, we all put name tags on. And so when you're walking around the whole concert, everybody like knew who you were. They just randomly say hi to you. And we thought it was fun. I was like, all right, well it's gonna be dark cuz this was a late one. I was like, how do we know where all the people who rode out with us are? And like, how do we distinguish ourselves? So I bought a hundred inflatable dolphins and passed them out and we were in the very back on the lawn and you just looked down. We would just see dolphin and you just saw dolphins everywhere in there. And they were like colorful dolphins. They they were like rainbow color dolphins. Yeah. Like rainbow. Yeah. That was, that was the best$500 I ever wasted. But that's of at like 10 o'clock at night. Yeah. It's like his mind literally is never off. Yeah. And I'll be like, put the phone down, I'll like look and Yeah. It's like a hundred dolphins or chickens or whatever it's gonna be next. Yeah. We have a one bed study and our study and a storage unit is literally just full of like, Props at this point and like costumes as it should be and a hundred dolphins and a hundred squeaking chickens and all sorts of stuff. Wild. And then it's just a simple way to bring it. Like it's the same thing we're talking about, right? Like it's so easy cuz like, all right, we're filling up 10 buses with 40 people each. Like you don't know who's on those other buses. And if I saw you and I didn't recognize you, I would never say hi to you. Right? But all a sudden you're dolphin. If you're holding a dolphin and I'm holding a dolphin, it's like, oh, you're with the secret disco bus. Like, I'm tanner. And that instantly created that conversation. So like almost everything I'm thinking is like these ice breakers in a way. Like our, we have a party tomorrow at Native, it's called Kings and Queens. So it's our Valentine's Day. And it's sued up just like, like a deck card. People are gonna actually dress up. Yeah. So we're go always dress up. We're going, we're going suit and tie, but to make this social, we gamified it a little bit. And so everybody as they walk in is gonna draw a card out of a deck. And we partnered with Crown Royal and Titos. And so they actually went to native and prepaid enough drinks so that everybody at that party can walk around, Hey, what card do you have? And start talking. And they need to find their match. Ah. And if you find someone with a matching card, you go up to the bar and you get a free drink. Actually, that's so cool. One of you gets a free drink, so you gotta argue over who's, who gets the free one, who's picking up the tab just to make, make it kind of fun. Um, but it's like, that's, that's an icebreaker, right? You're gonna go up to someone you've never talked to, like, oh, what car do you have? You know, it's the fun thing about dressing up. Like sometimes you're like, oh, you have the same suit. I have. Like, I got it from here. Did you? And all of a sudden you're talking to somebody that you would've never talked to before. I mean, I never would've talked to you guys if I wouldn't have gone to your event. Like I never would've met either of you, and I didn't even really talk to you guys. Like I'm very shy, like I'm not, once you pull it out of me, but I'm not like the person at a bar to just like go and start talking to random people. I don't know. You know? So I see how beneficial your events are. Yeah. I mean, it definitely brings people outta their comfort zone too. And everybody's so nice at our events too, that just becomes, again, like a big family. And then it's like before you know it, you're like dancing with a bunch of random people and it's just. Okay. These are like my friends for life now, you know? Yeah. It's fun too, cuz like so many of our friends, like, they're excited cuz they know like we're the ones throwing it and they're like, bring their friends and they're like, Hey, this is this person. Hey this is Tanner in Brooklyn. Like, they threw this party but they would've never known because we're not on the stage. Like we're not. Mm-hmm. we're not trying to get the biggest act and be on stage. Look at me, look at me. That's like another thing about champagne bottles, right? Yeah. We're never you in the back. Yeah. We like wanna be like in the crowd. Yeah. Yeah. We like, we just like talking to people. Like I'll, we'll get lost from each other all the time cuz it's just like, Hey, come meet my friend, come meet my friend. And all of a sudden we're two different ways. Like, it's, it's pretty cool. And I'm very much like, he's more of like the reserved, like more introverted, but like, like go talk to people that he really knows or like be introduced. He's constantly being introduced to different people. I'm more of the. Person that runs around and is just like meeting people. Cuz I'm a, can you bring me the randoms? I'm an extrovert people, very big extrovert. So yeah, I'll just be like, Tanner, meet this person. This is my friend now. And like, Tanner, meet this person. This is my friend now. You know? And so like, then we're hanging with them like two days later, like, yeah, we're having every time. I, I am very much like, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Um, but it's like that cat that like runs out to the alley and like brings the mouse back. No really? like what I found, guess what I found? Like that's funny. This is part of our house now. Yeah, pretty much. But we like bounce each other out. Well that way. Um, but I feel like it really makes people feel like more included, you know? It's just like, okay, the people were throwing this event are actually wanting to talk to me and wanting to get to know me and are now inviting me. He does a really good job. Personally messaging people on Instagram, like after events and stuff and being like, thank you so much for coming. And it was, or it was so good to meet you. Or following them on Instagram so like, you're actually seen, like you weren't just a body at our event, we weren't just taking your money. Like, we actually want you here. You know, you're invited back and we want to be friends with you. We want to get to know you. And so I feel like that's kind of what makes people wanna come back too. It's like, it's not fake, you know? It's, we're doing it cuz we wanna do it. We wanna have fun with you. That's where we bounce each other out. So, so well is cuz Yeah, the, like one of my favorite parts is like, uh, we just met like 10 new people and it's all cuz she just like, she identifies people who are either super engaged or super unengaged, you know? Mm-hmm. people in the middle. Like, you kind of just let B and let, cuz they were kind of flowing. Uh, she finds the people that are super bought in or the people that just look like they're kind of left out and she just like grabs'em and brings'em in. It's, it's really cool. Like, we've made, made some awesome friends. Like, Jamal just messaged me like 10 minutes before this. He's like, Hey, I'm coming tomorrow. You know, it's just like, oh, I love that. And. Jamal message. Jamal? Yeah. Yeah. He was at our fourth 12. I owe him a drink. He messaged me. He is like, uh, I was going through our text messages and I remembered that you said that you, uh, owe me a drink for my birthday, so drinks on you tomorrow, I was like, okay, You, you're gone. So that's like, ah, that's so cool. Like, that's, that's my favorite thing about what we do. It's like we went, we try to clear out like our, the people we were following on Instagram the other day were like, which random accounts are we following? And it's like, I know a thousand people. Like, what the heck? Like, I went through it all. I was like, no. Like, no'em, no, no, no.'em, no. I'm like, we like keep in touch with so many of these people. Like it's so cool. Like, Yeah. It doesn't surprise me. And if I already like, wasn't so pumped about everything that you guys are doing, I'm like even more pumped after like, sitting down and like talk, just like genuinely seeing like where secret disco came from and like how it started and how you're like genuinely going around, like making sure people are like, you know, feeling seen and stuff like that. It's amazing. So I'm so excited that you guys came on the podcast. Um, I'm so excited that you guys are gonna keep doing events. I wanna go to more of them. Um, but I want you guys to pimp yourselves out. So give us your handles. I know Tanner, Tanner wants to pimp the pets out is like his main goal. Yeah. Yeah. We got, we got the coolest pet lineup ever. We do have cool pets, honestly. Yeah, we have, we have a Doberman and we have a hairless cat and they're like the coolest combo. They're like best friends. Like the cat has a kitten. Like we both like, kind of wanted the same pets. I almost got a hairless cat like three years ago and then I was moving in with a roommate and Kevin was like, I will, I refuse to have a cat, but now he loves it. And so I'm like, all right, whatever. Like I just won't, won't get a cat. Right? Like it wasn't the end of the world. Yeah. And so now I've finally got the cat, so They're so cute. So cute. He's cute. But yeah, I mean, thanks for having us too, by the way. This is, yeah. So fun. Fine. Most of our conversations are so quick with people. Mm-hmm. like even at events and stuff like that. Mm-hmm. where it's like, hi, nice to know you. Like, hey, let's go out to a show. Right. Or a music show or go play soccer with, it's like hard to like sit down and actually, you know, tell people our stories. Like a lot of people don't even know like we were both married before and stuff like that. So like, yeah. Yeah. This is really cool. I like good experience. Yeah. I like podcasts, like as a platform. Cuz I feel like you get to like sit down and have those like deeper conversations, you know? Mm-hmm. because like, I'm that type of girl. If I go to a party, I'd rather just like sit on a couch with one person and like fall down a black hole. I love that I couldn't do that. I can't sit that. No, you could not do that. Like, I'm like popcorn, just pop, pop popcorn with one or the other. But no, thanks for having us. Yeah. Um. Yeah. Where can people follow you? Uh, my Instagram's freeze tag. So my last name's freezing, so it's a little, little play that I'm freeze tag my brother's freeze frame. So we, we had some fun with it. F R I E S E underscore tag. And then Sphere Secret Discos, secret Disco dot Society, Brooklyn. Uh, you can, uh, my main account is Brooklyn bfi. Uh, that's Brooklyn. B as in A B. And then f i t Brooklyn B Fit. Awesome. Thank you guys so much. Like, this was so fun. Like I haven't got to do a podcast with like two people, which is, it's Wait, are we a first? You're the first. You guys like popped by three people. Jerry podcast, but I love it. I wouldn't, there's not another couple that I'd rather have on to do this, so thank you. Yeah, thank you guys. It's been a lot of fun. Appreciate this. Appreciate it. Yeah, this is like one of my passions. So. So nice to have you guys like help support that too. So, we'll, we'll, we'll help anywhere I can. We love what you're doing and happy to help you know us. Yeah, so awesome. This is great. Well, thank you guys.